Wealth Maximiser Programme

1. THE LIFETIME FOCUSER determines what your lifetime goals are by providing“clarity of thought” to create your ideal lifestyle and how that will be financed. You may have very clear ideas on your lifetime plan, when you wish to retire, how much money you will need or you may have no real structure or financial planning and our input would be useful where our experience can guide you through various “what if” scenarios. We are committed to helping you discover, define and achieve your goals.

2. THE DISCOVERY PROCESS determines what has happened in your past financial life and how we can use what has been built upon to move forward with an investment process and asset structure that will allow your lifetime goals to be realized. At this meeting we will need to know the details of your current financial situation – your income, assets and your tax status. We will also need to know details of any liabilities that you have including bank loans and mortgages.

We will also discover your own personal attitude to risk using “state of the art” risk profiling tools where you may find that you have a higher tolerance to risk taking than you previously thought, or conversely, you may be more risk averse than you think you are. We will also look at the existing investments you have and see whether the asset allocation and the funds they are invested in are compatible with your current risk profile and if they are in structures that are cost effective and tax efficient. We will also “x ray” these funds to see if there is duplication of investment.

3. THE CREATION OF CORE SOLUTIONS is the process of creating innovative “cutting edge” solutions to maximising wealth creation opportunities and protecting assets from risk. Our aim is always to increase your returns, reduce your tax, reduce costs and lower your risk. We will use a variety of different strategies to arrive at your own core solution, using, where possible, passive fund management to reduce costs of investing and Wrapper platforms which again, are a cheaper method of investing than using insurance companies and investment houses. Using Wrapper accounts gives us the ability to buy funds on a wholesale rather than retail basis and these Wrapper accounts can encompass any tax environment we require such as ISAs, Pensions, Open Ended Investment Companies and Unit Trusts.

4. IMPLEMENTATION OF THE WEALTH MAXIMISER STRATEGY is the process of putting in place the Core Solutions whether they are “one off” bespoke solutions or use mainstream financial strategies such as investment schemes, pensions and life insurance. The investments will be purchased using the least cost method available choosing from over 66,000 funds available to us worldwide.

5. CONTINUOUS FINANCIAL COACHING reinforces the programme by meeting with you at predetermined time intervals to ensure that the programme and the various processes within the programme have been monitored and adjusted to suit your overall objective. The road ahead will not be straight but will require adjustments on a regular basis. We aim to rebalance portfolios on a regular basis to capture profit and your requirement for cash withdrawals may vary depending on your own individual spending patterns. Your risk tolerance will need to be reassessed to ensure that we reflect, in your investments, your current attitude to risk. The Continuing Financial Coaching process also incorporates monitoring funds where we are looking, on a daily basis, for fund manager changes whether by moving to other companies, retiral. We are also looking for fund mergers within a group and we are also looking for fund management groups merging to form larger groups.

All of these changes will impact on the performance of a fund and may wish to protect the ongoing growth of a fund as much as possible and make changes where necessary.
